Natural Resources

  1. 2. The use of a windmill to drive an electric generator
  2. 3. A mixture of gasoline and alcohol
  3. 5. A substance that provides energy as the result of a chemical change
  4. 9. The percentage of the input work that is converted to output work
  5. 12. Energy from steam or hot water produced from hot or molten underground rocks.
  6. 14. Material that is not found in nature, such as glass, concrete, and plastic. Made from natural resources.
  7. 15. the practice of finding ways to use less energy or to use energy more efficiently
  8. 16. fuel made from living things
  9. 17. electric or motive power generated by a nuclear reactor.
  10. 18. A fossil fuel in the gaseous state
  1. 1. Power generated from moving water.
  2. 4. energy from the sun
  3. 6. Compounds composed of only carbon and hydrogen
  4. 7. A liquid fossil fuel formed from marine organisms that is burned to obtain energy and used in the manufacture of plastics.
  5. 8. Another name for oil
  6. 10. Coal, oil, natural gas, and other fuels that are ancient remains of plants and animals.
  7. 11. Compounds that are made from oil
  8. 13. A factory in which crude oil is heated and separated into fuels and other products