Natural Resources

  1. 6. heat energy provided from inside the earth
  2. 7. energy provided from burning materials such as dead plants or trees
  3. 8. thick, black liquid mixture of naturally occurring hydrocarbons that forms from the buried remains of marine organisms.
  4. 9. sedimentary rock that is the most abundant fossil fuel in the world
  5. 10. energy from the sun
  6. 13. root word meaning water
  7. 14. resources are replaced through natural processes at a rate that is equal to or greater than the rate at which they are used
  8. 15. resources that include copper, gold, or silver
  9. 16. type of mining used to remove materials through a series of tunnels
  1. 1. broad term of materials that includes oil and natural gas
  2. 2. anything that harms or degrades the natural environment
  3. 3. property that includes the ability to burn or react to acid.
  4. 4. Reprocess a resource so that the materials can be used in another item.
  5. 5. property of a mineral that includes hardness, luster, color, texture, cleavage, and density
  6. 10. soil and rock removing process used when resources are close to the earth's surface
  7. 11. using a material again without changing or reprocessing it
  8. 12. resources are exhaustible and are extracted faster than the rate at which they formed