Natural Resources

  1. 1. fuels formed from the remains of dead animals and plants deposited in a previous geologic time.
  2. 7. inorganic substances on or in the earth.
  3. 10. the mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere.
  4. 12. all plants and animals that are living in the wild
  5. 13. the movement of air.
  6. 14. resources that may be living or were living at one time.
  7. 16. a layer of gases that surrounds the earth.
  8. 17. the outer layer of earth's surface that supports life.
  9. 18. the control of plants and animals by humans
  10. 19. resources replaced naturally.
  11. 20. the movement of water from the earth's surface to the atmosphere and back.
  1. 2. interactions between climate, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
  2. 3. resources that cannot be replaced after being used.
  3. 4. resources that come from non-living, non-organic materials.
  4. 5. all the water on earth whether liquid, solid, salty, or fresh.
  5. 6. the combination of soil and rock that makes up the earth's crust.
  6. 8. the source of almost all the energy used on earth.
  7. 9. a tasteless, colorless, liquid natural resource.
  8. 11. the average weather conditions in a region over a period of years.
  9. 15. all types of living things on earth.