Natural Resources

  1. 1. - a mixture of gases composed of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and a tiny percentage of water vapor and other gases.
  2. 4. - a natural resource that can never run out, for example: flying a kite
  3. 5. web - a set of overlapping food chains that contain sequences of organisms, each of which provides a source of nutrients for the next organisms in the chain
  4. 7. - is a nonrenewable fossil fuel that is combusted and used to generate electricity.
  5. 8. - a partially self-contained environmental and living system
  6. 14. - all the factors surrounding that affect a living organism
  7. 15. - limited resources that exist in fixed quantities that cannot be replaced or reproduced
  8. 16. - colorless and transparent
  9. 19. - a layer of natural resources materials on the earth´s surface
  10. 20. - the process of humans and nature existing in productive harmony, which permits fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations
  1. 2. resource - a naturally occurring material organism that supports life and can reproduce themselves or can be reproduced by human efforts
  2. 3. Fuel - any energy-producing material
  3. 6. - all nondomesticated animals
  4. 7. by decomposition
  5. 9. capacity - the maximum population level for which an ecosystem can provide ongoing food and shelter
  6. 10. - a large area of land
  7. 11. - inorganic compounds
  8. 12. species - any species that is non-native or alien to an ecosystem and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm
  9. 13. - any of numerous greasy usually liquid substances from plant, animal, or mineral sources that do not dissolve in water
  10. 17. - natural material made of grains of one or more minerals
  11. 18. - a renewable abiotic energy resource that provides energy in the form of heat and light