Natural Resources

  1. 3. / the natural environment of an organism;
  2. 8. layer / the layer of the upper atmosphere where most atmospheric ozone is concentrated and absorbs UV radiation from the sun.
  3. 9. aid / economic, technical, or military aid given by one nation to another for purposes of relief and rehabilitation, for economic stabilization, or for mutual defense
  4. 12. / to clear away forests or trees
  5. 13. resource / any natural resource that can replenish itself naturally over time, as wood or solar energy
  6. 14. farming / crops are grown and animals are raised for sale for commercial purposes
  7. 15. / the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale
  8. 17. nation / A developed country, industrialized country, or more economically advanced country
  9. 18. resource / a resource that can be used again and again.
  10. 19. rain / precipitation, such as rain, snow, or sleet, containing high concentrations of acid-forming chemicals
  1. 1. farming / self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families
  2. 2. / a biological community of interconnected organisms and their environment
  3. 4. resource / any natural resource from the Earth that exists in limited supply and cannot be replaced if it is used up
  4. 5. change / a change in global or regional climate patterns attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels
  5. 6. fuel / any combustible organic material, as oil, coal, or natural gas, derived from the remains of former life
  6. 7. resource / the natural wealth of a country, consisting of land, forests, mineral deposits, water, etc.
  7. 10. nation / a poor agricultural country that is seeking to become more advanced economically and socially
  8. 11. / converting waste materials into reusable objects
  9. 16. / a large farm on which cotton, tobacco, coffee, sugar cane, etc., is cultivated, usually by resident laborers
  10. 18. material / any material before being processed or manufactured into a final form.