Natural Resources

  1. 4. This African country has huge oil deposits but is still in poverty
  2. 5. This is another word for crude oil
  3. 6. This is an example of a mineral
  4. 8. This resource is formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals
  5. 9. When trees are cleared faster than they can grow
  6. 10. A type of material that needs to be converted into products
  1. 1. This is a resource that can be used up, and once it is gone, there is no way to replace it
  2. 2. When trees are planted to replace the ones that have been taken down
  3. 3. This is a resource that cannot be used up and is replaceable
  4. 7. A material in nature that people use and value
  5. 8. This process gives up natural gas