Natural Resources

  1. 1. Damaging greenhouse gases build up here
  2. 4. released into the air when burning fossil fuels
  3. 7. Energy from plants and animals
  4. 8. also called crude oil
  5. 9. Examples are coal, crude oil, and natural gas
  6. 11. Resources that can't be replaced
  7. 12. odorless, colorless gas
  8. 15. A resource that can be replaced
  1. 2. Energy created from moving water
  2. 3. global disaster caused by use of fossil fuels
  3. 5. Machines that produce wind energy
  4. 6. Heat energy from deep in the earth
  5. 10. Energy that is harnessed from the sun
  6. 13. energy that comes from splitting Uranium atoms
  7. 14. solid sedimentary rock