Natural resources

  1. 2. Black gold
  2. 3. A non-renewable resource formed using plants and sometimes animals (Has a dash in between)
  3. 8. W in SWAMPS
  4. 9. Stage in forming sedimentary rock and fossil fuels smushing them together
  5. 11. When sedimentary rock is squeezed so hard minerals turn into glue for sediments
  6. 13. Process in forming sedimentary rock
  7. 15. Moving sediments from location to location stage
  8. 16. Pieces of broken down rock
  9. 18. Acronym for non-renewable resources
  10. 19. Necessary step in forming fossil fuels but not sedimentary rock
  11. 21. In swamps acronym we keep them as pets
  1. 1. A result of fossil fuel burning among other things
  2. 4. Acronym for renewable resources
  3. 5. Depositing sediments dropping stage
  4. 6. A renewable resource that makes its own food
  5. 7. Can be replaced in our lifetime
  6. 10. Where some fossil fuels are formed
  7. 12. Can't be replaced in our lifetime (Has a dash in between)
  8. 14. Breaking stage in forming sedimentary rock
  9. 17. Commonly called dirt and is one renewable resource
  10. 20. Gives life to everything and is renewable (In our lifetime anyway)