Natural Resources

  1. 3. The type of energy that is produced from the heat inside the earth
  2. 4. The cause of the sudden increase in population during the early 1800's
  3. 5. The type of energy that is produced when sunlight is captured
  4. 7. The type of energy that is produced from splitting uranium atoms
  5. 14. The average amount of natural resources that one person uses
  6. 16. How fast people are being born
  7. 17. The second of the three R's
  8. 19. The gas that is released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned
  9. 21. The type of energy that is produced when water spins turbines
  10. 22. Type of natural resources that produces energy when trees and plants are burned
  11. 24. The first of the three R's
  12. 25. Natural fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, that come from the remains of ancient plants and animals.
  1. 1. The sustainable use and management of natural resources to prevent depletion and protect the environment for future generations.
  2. 2. Naturally occurring materials such as water, air, forests, minerals, and wildlife that are used by humans.
  3. 3. The gradual increase in the Earth's temperature due to human activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
  4. 6. Resources that can be replenished naturally over time, such as sunlight, wind, and forests.
  5. 8. The clearing, destroying, or removal of forests, often to make land available for other uses such as agriculture or urban development.
  6. 9. The third of the three R's
  7. 10. The natural environment where an organism lives, grows, and interacts with other organisms.
  8. 11. Resources that are limited in supply and cannot be quickly replaced by nature, such as fossil fuels like coal and oil.
  9. 12. When population increases, natural resource use _________
  10. 13. The presence of harmful substances or contaminants in the environment that can cause harm to living organisms.
  11. 15. Naturally occurring inorganic substances found in the earth, such as gold, copper, and iron.
  12. 18. The type of energy that is produced when air spins turbines
  13. 20. How fast people are dying
  14. 23. If the death rate exceeds the birth rate, the population will ______