Natural Resources

  1. 3. are events caused by forces of nature that cause destruction of life and property
  2. 5. to limit the amount you use of something
  3. 8. the solid part of earth that is made of the crust and upper mantle
  4. 10. is an area of land where all of the water that is under it, or drains off of it collects into the same place (e.g. The River).
  5. 13. a material that is found naturally on or near the Earth
  6. 14. layer around the earth that keeps oxygen and heat around the earth
  7. 16. a resource that CAN NOT be replaced quickly and can be used completely (limited amount) Coal, oil, gas
  8. 17. using things that have already been used, to make new things
  9. 18. layer of earth in which all DIRT is found
  10. 20. a material that is being put into the air (smoke)
  1. 1. a place where we bury garbage in the ground
  2. 2. Garbage, or something left over and not needed
  3. 4. a resource that is replaced naturally again and again (unlimited amount) Trees, water, wind
  4. 6. to use a material again instead of throwing away
  5. 7. Protection of things found in nature – (conservation)
  6. 9. the ability to do work
  7. 11. happens when the environment is contaminated, or dirtied, by waste, chemicals, and other harmful substances
  8. 12. layer of earth in which all WATER is found
  9. 15. related to the sun or sun’s rays
  10. 18. a set amount or number
  11. 19. to withstand the force of something