Natural Resources

  1. 5. this idea states shared resources are often the least cared for
  2. 7. we don't think about this depletable renewable resource much, thanks to fertilizers
  3. 8. some areas have lots of this depletable renewable resource, and some have almost none
  4. 9. the sun provides this energy
  5. 10. this are found in many electronics, but we need to recycle them better
  6. 11. this very old, soli fossil fuel creates very bad smoke when burned
  1. 1. this fossil fuel is the number one electricity producer in the US
  2. 2. this power pushes huge turbines for electricity
  3. 3. heat energy from below Earth's surface
  4. 4. these can be slow to grow, but if left alone for decades can produce many resources
  5. 6. this power comes from the movement of water