Natural Resources Crossword

  1. 3. A resource that exists in a fixed amount and can only be replaced over millions of years
  2. 4. Solid rock layer below aggregate
  3. 6. Sand, gravel and crushed stone that naturally accumulates on or near Earth's surface
  4. 7. A natural resource that can be replaced by nature in a short period of time
  5. 8. The ____ cycle, processes of a key element in the sugars, starches, and proteins, that make up living things
  6. 9. Resources that come from the biosphere and have life (example: lumber)
  7. 11. A solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence (example: calcite, salt, bauxite)
  8. 13. Can take up to 1000 years to form a few cm of ____, but can be lost in minutes due to weathering/erosion
  9. 15. An essential resource composing 70% of Earth's surface
  1. 1. The replacement of renewable resources at the same rate at which they are consumed results in a ____ yield
  2. 2. The process by which productive land becomes desert
  3. 5. The process of removing salt from seawater to provide freshwater
  4. 6. Resources that make up non-living entities (example: minerals)
  5. 10. Natural resource that can be mined for a profit
  6. 12. Resource such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms
  7. 14. The resources that Earth provides are known as ____ resources