Natural Resources Crossword

  1. 9. A community of living things where many organisms can live.
  2. 10. A symbiosis that benefits one but doesn´t hurt or do good to the other organism.
  3. 13. The members of a community or a group of living things.
  4. 15. A living thing that eats or drinks and takes from something else.
  5. 17. Smaller ecological events that happened after the main one.
  1. 1. A main ecological event that happened.
  2. 2. They are certain organisms made with special strengths to evolution so they can be better as a population.
  3. 3. The difference in the organism in an ecosystem.
  4. 4. A symbiosis that benefits both organisms.
  5. 5. A living thing that makes things for consumers to eat or drink.
  6. 6. A thing to use to identify organisms based on their appearance.
  7. 7. A living or once living organism.
  8. 8. The different places of the Earths regions.
  9. 11. Biology that is about the relationships of organisms.
  10. 12. A group of living things that are in the same area that work together to survive.
  11. 14. A symbiosis that benefits one but harms the other.
  12. 16. A big group of food webs.
  13. 18. A non living thing.