Natural Resources Review

  1. 1. Traditionally, this was the most valuable fish in the East Coast fishery
  2. 6. The impact of these tropical storms are often worsened when wetlands are drained such as in Florida
  3. 8. We live in this drainage basin
  4. 9. the most destructive method of harvesting trees
  5. 10. Arguably this was the most difficult thing to give up for the family in NO IMPACT MAN
  6. 11. Notorious example of chemicals seeping into groundwater...happened near Buffalo NY
  7. 12. How did the family in NO IMPACT MAN recycle their organic waste?
  8. 13. 200 miles or 370 km
  9. 15. Use of renewable resource at a rate that allows the resource to renew itself.
  10. 20. This type of industry deals with research and development etc.
  11. 21. This country emits the most total CO2/year
  12. 22. Fish that feed near the water surface
  13. 23. Most of the world’s water is located in?
  1. 1. Of the most developed countries of the world (G20) this country has the 2nd largest ecological footprint
  2. 2. the most dangerous form of water pollution hence the ban on pesticide use
  3. 3. For most Canadians, this “type” of footprint tends to be the largest contributor to their overall footprint.
  4. 4. Arguably the most environmentally friendly method of harvesting trees
  5. 5. Most of Canada’s most valued commercial forests are in which province?
  6. 7. Example of biological contamination of groundwater in Ontario...happened in 2000
  7. 14. Water use can be defined in two ways: Instream use and?
  8. 16. Of the most developed economies, this country produces the most CO2/capita
  9. 17. Fish farming
  10. 18. Rich fishing grounds off the coast of NFLD
  11. 19. This area of industry involves the extraction or harvesting of natural resources