Natural Science

  1. 5. this provides the electrical energy
  2. 9. this occurs when electrons are passed quickly from one atom to another within certain materials
  3. 11. this opens and closes the circuit and can stop the flow of electricity
  4. 14. this occurs when there is an imbalance of positive and negative charges between two electrical insulators
  5. 15. all matter is made up of this tiny structure that is not visible to the naked eye
  1. 1. conductors of electricity
  2. 2. negatively charged part of an atom that moves around outside the nucleus
  3. 3. a component inside the nucleus but have no electric charge
  4. 4. example of a positively charged matter
  5. 6. example of a negatively charged matter
  6. 7. positively charged component inside the nucleus
  7. 8. central part of an atom
  8. 10. this transforms electricity into other forms of energy
  9. 12. this material allows electrons to flow through a path
  10. 13. this is what happens when negative charges meet another negatively charged object or positively charge to another positively charged object