Natural Science Vocabulary

  1. 4. organism that obtains food by consuming other living things; also called a consumer
  2. 6. physical or behavioral features of an organism that help them to survive in their environment.
  3. 9. salt water biome. Includes oceans, seas, and estuaries that cover about 75% of the planet
  4. 10. coldest and driest biome. Layers of permafrost, long winters and months of total darkness
  5. 11. rich soil (for crops), but not enough rain for trees and cold winters.
  6. 13. still and flowing bodies of water surrounded by land (like lakes, ponds, rivers, streams)?
  7. 15. hot and humid biome found close to the equator, with lots of plant and animal diversity.
  8. 16. an organism that eats other organisms for food
  9. 19. an organism that eats only plants
  10. 21. a series of events in which one organism eats another and obtains energy.
  11. 22. an organism that makes its own food
  1. 1. a community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains
  2. 2. an organism that feeds on "leftovers" or dead and decaying matter
  3. 3. large geographic areas that have similar climates.
  4. 5. physical area in which an organism lives
  5. 7. (Evergreen Forest)world's largest land biome. No permafrost with long cold winters and short summers.
  6. 8. a relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed
  7. 12. organism that can make its own food
  8. 14. a system made up of an ecological community of living things interacting with their environment especially under natural conditions everything that exists in a particular environment
  9. 17. a system composed of organisms and nonliving components of an environment.
  10. 18. forest four seasons, rainfall spread through the year, and rich soil (Virginia)
  11. 20. science dealing with the relation of living things to their environment and to each other