Natural selection

  1. 5. A mutation in which segments of one or more chromosomes change positions
  2. 6. A gene-carrying structure found in the nucleus of plant and animal cells. Each chromosome consists of one very long DNA molecule and associated proteins.
  3. 8. When referring to a point mutation: A mutation in which one base is removed.
  4. 12. A characteristic or trait, such as fur, that the common ancestor of a group had and passed on to its descendants.
  5. 14. A change to one or more chromosomes
  6. 15. A set of Information that controls a single trait; a segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait.
  7. 16. The study of embryos and their development
  8. 17. An alternative form of a gene.
  9. 21. A mutation in which a portion of a gene in a chromosome is replicated, resulting in multiple copies
  10. 24. A mutation in which one base is replaced by an incorrect one
  11. 25. A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce
  12. 26. A building block of DNA, consisting of a five-carbon sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group.
  13. 27. The passing on of traits from parents to their offspring; either through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction.
  14. 28. The process through which organisms better adapted to their environment survive and produce more offspring, and organisms which are less adapted to the environment die off.
  15. 29. Deoxyribonucleic acid; the genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed from parent to offspring. In DNA, A pairs with T and G pairs with C.
  1. 1. An organism's genetic makeup or allele combinations.
  2. 2. When the sequence of the genetic code is displaced, caused by an insertion or a deletion of one base
  3. 3. A group of organisms that share a genetic heritage, are able to interbreed, and produce offspring that are also fertile.
  4. 4. An allele for a trait that is hidden whenever the dominant allele is present.
  5. 7. The study of body structure
  6. 9. A mutation that reverses the order of genes on a chromosome
  7. 10. How well an organism can survive and reproduce in its environment
  8. 11. A change to only one of the bases in the genetic sequence
  9. 13. Having two identical alleles for a trait.
  10. 18. the most recent species from which two new, different species evolved
  11. 19. An allele for a trait that always shows up in an organism when the allele is present.
  12. 20. An organism's physical appearance or visible traits.
  13. 22. Branching tree aiagram that shows the relationships among a group of organisms based on shared, derived characteristics.
  14. 23. A mutation in which a base is added to the genetic sequence