Natural Selection

  1. 1. A famous biologist and naturalist who is known for his contributions to the study of evolution.
  2. 4. A change in genetic material (DNA).
  3. 6. Coli A bacteria that is found in the digestive track of humans and other animals that can reproduce quickly (about every 20 minutes). Some strains can cause severe food poisoning.
  4. 8. Selection A process in which humans choose specific traits they want and breed organisms together for those specific traits.
  5. 9. A characteristic belonging to a population or organism.
  6. 10. A scientist who studies biology.
  1. 2. Selection The process of organisms changing over time. Organisms with traits better suited to their environment tend to survive and reproduce.
  2. 3. Part of a chromosome that is inherited from the parent(s) and determines some of an organism’s characteristics.
  3. 5. Microscopic, single-celled organism that can be found in diverse environments.
  4. 7. The different occurrences of the same trait among individuals of the same species (hair color, eye color, height, etc.).