Natural Selection

  1. 4. Survival of the fittest
  2. 7. Creation of a new species
  3. 9. Barriers that prevent hybrid zygotes before birth
  4. 12. The population reduces and genetic drift occurs because of the ... effect
  5. 13. Behavior that is ... during the organism's life
  6. 14. Source of new adaptations and traits
  7. 16. ... Advantage, when ... individuals have increased success in reproduction
  8. 18. Behavior inherited from birth
  9. 20. Trait in two unrelated species that perform the same function
  10. 21. A group of organisms, of one species, in a given area
  11. 22. A trait that is shared between two species, inherited from a shared ancestor, is called...
  1. 1. An organism that focuses on a long lifespan and raising its children
  2. 2. A trait that assists in fitness of an organism
  3. 3. Naturalist that came up with the idea that traits were altered during the organism's life
  4. 5. A graph that shows evolutionary relationships
  5. 6. Principle that allele frequencies will remain constant, unless outside factors cause a change
  6. 8. Barriers that prevent hybrid zygotes from reproducing after birth
  7. 10. Father of modern evolutionary theory
  8. 11. Evolution over a long timespan that results in the creation of a new species
  9. 15. Trait that is no longer used by the organism
  10. 17. All genes of a population
  11. 19. An organism that focuses on high reproduction rates