Natural Selection

  1. 2. Selection pattern that chooses an intermediate form of a trait.
  2. 3. The idea that there are too many individuals, and not enough resources, so they have to compete for food, water, shelter and mates.
  3. 5. Selection pattern that choose two extreme forms of a trait.
  4. 10. The idea that each individual is slightly different from the other members in its population
  5. 12. Selection in which the environment does the choosing
  6. 13. A measurement of how likely the individual will survive and reproduce.
  7. 14. A physical trait that gives an individual an advantage and helps them survive better in its environment
  8. 15. Selection pattern in which one gender chooses the form of a trait.
  1. 1. Selection in which humans do the choosing
  2. 4. Selection pattern that chooses one extreme form of a trait.
  3. 6. Naturalist who developed the theory of Natural Selection
  4. 7. Natural selections acts on this, the physical traits of an individual
  5. 8. Darwin's theory has this many parts to it
  6. 9. The process of change in a specie over a period of time
  7. 11. The frequency of the adaptation does this over time, from one generation to the next