Natural selection

  1. 2. - well-supported testable explanation
  2. 4. - islands that Darwin visited
  3. 5. - pattern of evolution where a species is stable for a long time then rapidly changes equilibrium
  4. 9. - proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection
  5. 11. - structures that have no current function
  6. 12. - natural selection is also known as the survival of the
  7. 13. - the name of Darwin's book; the of species
  8. 15. - principle that states that living species are descended from ancient ones descent with
  9. 19. - had different shaped beaks depending on the island they were from
  10. 20. - when two unrelated organisms look alike (sharks & dolphins)
  11. 21. - required for new species to form
  12. 24. - change over time
  1. 1. - the study of the earth
  2. 3. - when one species evolves into many adaptive
  3. 6. - had different shaped shells depending on the island they were from
  4. 7. - when organisms disappear from the earth
  5. 8. - refers to the variety of living things
  6. 10. - structures that are similar
  7. 14. - process by which evolution occurs natural
  8. 16. - when two species evolve together
  9. 17. - a characteristic that helps an organism survive
  10. 18. - formation of new species
  11. 22. - the name of the ship that darwin traveled on
  12. 23. - preserved remains of ancient organisms