Natural Selection

  1. 2. a mistake or a change in a living thing's DNA
  2. 3. no living members of this species exist
  3. 9. the traits or behaviors that enables an organism to adjust to their environment
  4. 10. selection, breeding of plants and animals to produce desirable traits
  5. 11. an explanation for why or how things happen based on scientist's observations of the world
  1. 1. rock, rocks that are made from other rocks
  2. 3. a process of change over time
  3. 4. selection, organisms that are best suited to their environment survive and pass on their traits
  4. 5. all the members of a species that live in a particular area
  5. 6. a group of similar organisms that can breed and reproduce fertile offspring
  6. 7. record, all the known fossils and their placement in the formation of rocks
  7. 8. variation, the difference in DNA among individuals of the same species