Natural Selection

  1. 2. a type of reproductive barrier in which a physical barrier (like an ocean or valley) prevents reproduction between two populations
  2. 4. a British naturalist who is famous for traveling around the world on the HMS Beagle, studying different populations of species, and coming up with the Theory of Natural Selection
  3. 8. a type of reproductive barrier in which two populations reproduce at different times
  4. 9. preserved remains of a formerly living thing that are used as a record of the appearance and extinction of organisms
  5. 10. a structure in an organism that no longer has a function
  6. 11. a group of organisms that can reproduce and their offspring can reproduce
  1. 1. the process by which a new species forms from an already existing species through the process of natural selection
  2. 3. a type of reproductive barrier in which two populations attract mates in different ways
  3. 5. structures in different species that are built differently, but that the same functions
  4. 6. structures in different species that are built the same, but have different functions
  5. 7. the distribution of living things throughout the world