Natural Selection

  1. 5. a trait or behavior an organism has that helps them survive.
  2. 9. An adaptation that is part of the organisms body, they were born with it.
  3. 11. The gradual change in a population over time, creating a new species.
  4. 12. a word used to describe how well adapted an organism is to their environment.
  5. 14. The term for when parents produce offspring
  6. 15. Natural ______________ is when better adapted organisms survive and reproduce.
  1. 1. The man who came up with the Theory of Evolution
  2. 2. The boat that Charles Darwin sailed on.
  3. 3. The island chain that Darwin visited.
  4. 4. Differences between individuals in a population
  5. 6. The scientific term for babies
  6. 7. An adaptation that is an action that the organism does.
  7. 8. The number of organisms of one species in an area
  8. 10. A group of organisms that are similar and can mate
  9. 13. A well tested concept that is widely believed