Natural Selection

  1. 2. a group of organisms that can reproduce naturally with one another and create fertile offspring
  2. 5. Selection the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change
  3. 6. a defense mechanism or tactic that organisms use to disguise their appearance, usually to blend in with their surroundings
  4. 7. the differences between individuals within a species
  5. 10. a theory of biological evolution
  6. 11. a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method
  7. 12. is genetically determined
  1. 1. a theory of evolution based on the principle
  2. 3. a change in the proportions of different genotypes in a population from one generation to the next
  3. 4. a change in a genetic sequence
  4. 8. of Evolution based on the idea that all species are related and gradually change over time
  5. 9. the adjustment of organisms to their environment in order to improve their chances at survival