Natural Selection

  1. 3. sequence of DNA that codes for a trait
  2. 6. changes in DNA
  3. 9. the process by which traits improve an organisms chance of survival
  4. 11. the seasonal movement of organisms into and out of area
  5. 12. a heritable trait that increases and individual's fitness
  6. 13. change over time
  7. 14. biological evolution that occurs by chance
  1. 1. the theory of biological evolution
  2. 2. the process by which new species are generated
  3. 4. the disappearance of species from earth
  4. 5. the degree to which an organism can reproduce successfully in its environment
  5. 7. the process of selection conducted under human direction
  6. 8. inherits traits from parents
  7. 10. a change or difference in condition, amount, or level typically with certain limits
  8. 15. the fact of state of living or having objective reality