Natural selection

  1. 1. is a change to a different location
  2. 5. a disappearance of species from the earth
  3. 6. is different effects on some of the population
  4. 7. selection are processes of traits that help a population survive
  5. 9. is the maximum success a population can have in a enviorment
  6. 11. a selection cunducted by humens
  7. 13. change over time
  8. 14. how reprouductively succeful an organism is
  9. 15. a sequence of dna codes
  1. 2. a heritable trait
  2. 3. as a change in a population gene pool
  3. 4. includes all genes present in a population
  4. 8. a number of ways a species can be entirly deffrent
  5. 10. change in dna
  6. 12. a species thats not supposed to be in a certain location
  7. 15. a evolution occurred by chance