Natural Selection

  1. 2. a scientist who studies biology
  2. 6. a family unit of lions
  3. 8. this is part of a chromosome that is inherited from parents
  4. 10. a population of one type of organism (think of ants)
  5. 11. this is a different occurrence of the same trait (hair color, eye color...)
  6. 12. a characteristic
  7. 13. meerkats take this position of standing upright to scan for predators
  1. 1. microscopic single celled organisms that can be found in diverse environments
  2. 3. natural selection is the process of *this* changing over time
  3. 4. this is a change in the genetic material
  4. 5. this is the study of life
  5. 7. a bacteria found in the digestive tracks of humans and animals that reproduces quickly and can cause food poisoning
  6. 9. this famous biologist is known for his contributions to the study of evolution