Natural Selection

  1. 1. in biology, a change in an organism, over time, that better enables it to
  2. 5. structure, as opposed to gradual evolutionary change
  3. 6. something that pollutes, esp. a waste substance that makes air, water, or land
  4. 7. an animal being hunted, caught, and eaten by another animal
  5. 8. a condition that causes harm to the health of a person, animal, or plant;
  6. 10. or unhealthy; contaminant.
  7. 11. leave fewer or no offspring
  8. 12. money or things that are available for a particular use
  9. 13. a sudden, apparently abnormal change or alteration in a genetically
  10. 16. to their environment survive and are able to reproduce, while those that are
  11. 17. and multiply
  1. 2. sickness
  2. 3. a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its
  3. 4. to have young or offspring
  4. 6. an animal that hunts other animals for food
  5. 9. a variety
  6. 14. to fill with more inhabitants than available resources can sustain
  7. 15. selection a natural process of evolution in which the organisms that are best