Natural Selection

  1. 3. The struggle among living things to get the necessities they need to survive
  2. 5. A process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than other members of the same population
  3. 6. Sent Charles Darwin a letter in 1858
  4. 7. When there are too many fish and not enough oxygen
  5. 9. These organisms can only survive in water with dissolved oxygen
  6. 10. What Darwin bread with large fan-shaped tails
  1. 1. The natural process by which something takes place
  2. 2. After he returned from England he was not satisfied with the theory of evolution
  3. 4. Darwin read an essay by this man to get a good understanding of how evolution works
  4. 8. Members of a population__________ in many of their traits