Natural Selection

  1. 3. abbreviation for genetically modified organisms
  2. 5. Mendel bred these to study genetics
  3. 7. these traits are passed down and selected by the breeder
  4. 10. most GMOs have been modified to withstand pesticides or _________
  5. 11. genetic engineering is sometimes called this
  6. 12. domestic group of animals or plants having similar appearance, behavior, or other traits
  1. 1. these traits are eliminated from the species and future offspring
  2. 2. when people manually pollinate specific plants instead of relying on pollinators or wind
  3. 3. these engineers manipulate the genes of organisms to produce new living organisms
  4. 4. this breeding is another word for artificial selection
  5. 6. selection process by which humans select the animal or plant with the most desired traits to mate
  6. 8. animal _________ is the science of breeding and caring for animals
  7. 9. the father of genetics