Natural selection

  1. 2. The natural process by which something takes place.
  2. 5. Any change in the DNA of a gene or a chromosome.
  3. 6. Any difference between individuals of the same species.
  4. 8. The struggle between organisms to survive as they attempt to use the same limited source in the same place at the same time.
  5. 9. A group of similar organism that can mate with each other to produce offspring.
  6. 10. selection The process by which organisms that are best adapted to their environment are mostly to survive and reproduce.
  1. 1. theory A well-tested explanation for a wide range of observations or experimental results.
  2. 3. The process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organism.
  3. 4. An inherited behavior or physical characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its environment.
  4. 7. The preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past.