Natural Selection

  1. 4. The chances or likelihood that something will happen.
  2. 5. the way in which traits are shared out among a population
  3. 7. The process that causes traits in a population to become more or less common due to some traits making it more likely for individuals to survive and reproduce.
  4. 9. when a trait is able to be passed from parent to offspring
  5. 10. A group of organisms of a species living in the same environment over time.
  6. 11. A characteristic of an organism; many traits are inherited (genetic).
  7. 12. A group of organisms that are physically similar and can reproduce with each other to produce offspring.
  1. 1. Large complex molecules that are responsible for traits.
  2. 2. A random and permanent change to a genetic material in a gene.
  3. 3. When nearly all individuals in a population have a certain trait.
  4. 6. A sequence of DNA that determines the structure of a protein.
  5. 8. The changes in a species over generations, due to changes in the environment through natural selection.