Natural Selection

  1. 4. Traits or characteristics that enhance an organism's survival and reproduction in a specific environment.
  2. 8. Natural selection that favors one extreme phenotype over others, leading to a shift in the population's characteristics.
  3. 9. The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce, contributing to the next generation's gene pool.
  4. 10. with Modification: The idea that species share a common ancestry and have descended with changes from that common ancestor over time.
  5. 12. Drift: Changes in allele frequencies in a population due to random events rather than natural selection.
  6. 13. Selection: The intentional breeding of organisms with specific traits by humans to produce offspring with desired characteristics.
  7. 14. A gene that exists in all members of a population.
  8. 17. Selection: A mechanism of evolution where organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing those traits to their offspring, leading to an increase in frequency of those traits in a population over time.
  9. 18. The observable physical and behavioral characteristics of an organism, resulting from both genetic and environmental influences.
  10. 20. Factors: Non-living components of an ecosystem, such as temperature, water, sunlight, and soil.
  11. 21. A sharp reduction in the size of a population due to environmental events, leading to a loss of genetic diversity.
  12. 22. The study of the distribution of species and ecosystems in geographic space and through geological time.
  13. 25. The total set of genes in a population at a specific time.
  14. 26. A theoretical model stating that the frequencies of alleles in a population remain constant if certain conditions are met (no mutation, no migration, no selection, large population size, random mating).
  1. 1. Natural selection that favors the intermediate phenotype, reducing the extremes in a population.
  2. 2. A group of individuals of the same species living in a particular geographic area.
  3. 3. Natural selection that operates on traits related to mating and reproduction.
  4. 5. Natural selection that favors both extremes of a trait, leading to the divergence of the population.
  5. 6. Interaction between individuals or species for limited resources.
  6. 7. Pressures: Environmental factors that favor certain traits over others in the process of natural selection.
  7. 11. Genetic drift that occurs when a small group of individuals establishes a new population, resulting in a limited genetic diversity.
  8. 15. The process of gradual change in all living organisms over generations, leading to the diversity of species and the development of new traits.
  9. 16. The genetic makeup of an organism, representing the combination of alleles inherited from its parents.
  10. 19. A random change in an organism's DNA sequence, which can lead to genetic variation.
  11. 23. The movement of genes between populations, influencing genetic diversity.
  12. 24. Factors: Living components of an ecosystem, including plants, animals, and microorganisms.