Natural Selection

  1. 5. An environmental factor that causes some individuals to be less reproductively successful and others to be more successful.
  2. 8. Means having lots of offspring in your lifetime.
  3. 9. Events or conditions that lead to changes in the most common traits of a population.
  4. 13. Producing more offspring than can possibly survive in the local environment.
  5. 14. A change in the DNA sequence of gene causes a change in a physical trait.
  6. 15. When a population becomes better fit for success in its environment, as generations pass. Can also mean a specific trait that enables success.
  7. 18. Having a long life.
  1. 1. Organisms that are very similar to each other and regularly mate with each other.
  2. 2. How good your traits are for survival and reproduction.
  3. 3. Good for survival and successful reproduction
  4. 4. the cycle of having offspring, them growing up and having offspring, and so on without end.
  5. 6. High variety of gene alleles and traits in a population.
  6. 7. Not the same for everyone in a population.
  7. 10. A process in which nature selects some individuals to survive and reproduce and others to die early.
  8. 11. Making offspring or little ones.
  9. 12. A mixed offspring of mating between members of two different species or varieties of one species.
  10. 16. A group of individuals of the same species living in an area and mating with one another.
  11. 17. One of the many different traits that can be inherited in a population. Can also mean simply how variable individuals are in a population.