Natural Selection

  1. 5. occurs when organisms that are not closely related evolve similar features or behaviors, often as solutions to the same problems
  2. 6. The study of the embryo's formation and development
  3. 7. the study of species’ structures is similar and different
  4. 12. the organs with no current function and are considered to be the extra parts from past ancestors.
  5. 15. an English scientist who studied nature, he is known for his theory of evolution by natural selection
  6. 16. Similar structures with differing functions that come from a common ancestor
  1. 1. The process of genetic change over time
  2. 2. Differing structures with similar functions and do NOT come from a common ancestor
  3. 3. genetic differences within and among populations
  4. 4. occurs when two separate species evolve differently from a common ancestor
  5. 8. The DNA of different species shows that they developed from common ancestors
  6. 9. the study of how species are distributed
  7. 10. the movement of genes from one population to another population
  8. 11. The process that lets some members of a population survive and reproduce more than others
  9. 13. mechanism of evolution that causes a change in the gene pool of a population randomly
  10. 14. a collection of fossils that document the history of life on Earth