Natural Selection

  1. 3. The process of copying a DNA molecule to make another DNA molecule
  2. 4. The biological and chemical methods that change the arrangement of DNA the makes up a gene
  3. 8. The process of making a protein from RNA
  4. 9. a molecule made of a nitrogen base, a sugar, and a phosphate group
  5. 11. The selection and breeding of organisms for desired traits
  6. 14. A permanent change in the sequence of DNA
  1. 1. An inherited trait that increases an organisms chance of surviving and reproducing in a particular environment
  2. 2. The process of making mRNA from DNA
  3. 5. The process by which organisms with variations that help them survive in their environment live longer, compete better, a reproduce more than those that do not have the variation
  4. 6. Ribonucleic acid, a type of nucleic acid that carries the code for making proteins from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
  5. 7. An adaptation that enables a species to blend in with it's environment
  6. 10. An adaptation in which one species looks like another species
  7. 12. The abbreviation for dioxyribonucleic acid, and organisms genetic material
  8. 13. A slight difference in an inherited trait among individual members of a species