Natural Selection

  1. 4. The way in which traits are shared in the population
  2. 6. Changes in a species over generations; due to changes in environment.
  3. 7. The ability to be unaffected by something usually harmful
  4. 9. Sequence of DNA that determines structure of protein
  5. 10. Famous sun/moon phenomena that is happening soon
  6. 11. The process that causes traits in a population to become more or less common due to the changed likelihood of survival and reproduction.
  7. 12. Complex molecules that are responsible for traits
  8. 13. short period of time in the month of April that students have no school
  1. 1. When a trait is able to be passed from parent to offspring.
  2. 2. NCAA basketball tournament in the month after February
  3. 3. A random and permanent change to a gene.
  4. 5. Mr. DeGroot's dogs name
  5. 8. School-wide competition taking place on Thursday this week