Natural Selection

  1. 4. a measure of the ability to survive and produce more offspring than the other members of the population
  2. 8. Traits that increase fitness allow for greater chances of this.
  3. 11. The 4th factor of Natural Selection; "Descent with ____"
  1. 1. When humans change a species' traits by breeding the individuals with most desirable traits
  2. 2. "Survival of the fittest"
  3. 3. The idea that traits and phenotypes are passed down from parent to offspring
  4. 5. This type of selection leads to intermediate phenotypes
  5. 6. When all members of a species die in the wild
  6. 7. Overproduction leads to this; fighting over resources
  7. 9. Naturalist who traveled to the Galapogos Islands & later would write about Evolution.
  8. 10. Natural Selection acts on these, not groups or populations