natural selection & GE

  1. 2. Where a gene is carried to
  2. 5. The fear of the production of designer babies issue
  3. 6. Darwin used this phenotype in his study of selection
  4. 7. Used to carry a gene in GE
  5. 8. Speciation that involves a geographic barrier
  6. 10. Sticky ends are described as this to each other
  7. 11. A gene used to identify transformed bacteria
  8. 14. Selection best adapted to an unchanging environment
  9. 15. A type of selection commonly seen in speciation
  1. 1. Where restriction enzymes are isolated from
  2. 3. Pollen & stigma produced at different times (speciation)
  3. 4. A useful resistant gene added to crops to increase yield
  4. 9. The term used to describe a restriction site
  5. 12. A genetic disorder where gene therapy is useful
  6. 13. A dangerous vector that is carefully used in gene therapy