Natural Selection Vocab

  1. 2. A mutation/change to help something survive in its environment
  2. 6. The amount of people or organisms in a specific area
  3. 9. Something that there are too many of.
  4. 10. Something that is not living
  5. 12. Selection of genes by nature
  6. 13. Something that is physically fit.
  7. 15. The changes of an organism through time to help it adapt to the world around it.
  8. 16. Breeding something to get a select set of genes.
  9. 17. Where an organism lives.
  10. 18. Breeding two things of the same species together
  1. 1. A trait that promotes a creature’s success in its environment
  2. 3. The activity of competing for something
  3. 4. Selection of genes chosen artificially
  4. 5. A characteristic of an organism.
  5. 7. Something that is living
  6. 8. The idea that only the strongest or smartest survive
  7. 11. A unit of grouping of things by date of birth.
  8. 14. A way to classify animals