Natural Selection Vocabulary

  1. 3. when species become increasingly different due to different environmental pressures
  2. 8. when species become increasingly similar due to similar environmental pressures
  3. 10. how often an allele occurs in a population
  4. 11. when the median phenotype is favored
  5. 13. traits present in today's species that no longer serve a purpose
  6. 15. similar structures due to common evolutionary origin that serve different functions in different species
  7. 16. similar structures that serve a similar purpose in unrelated species
  8. 17. species changing over time
  1. 1. when one extreme phenotype is favored
  2. 2. when both extreme phenotypes are favored
  3. 4. the study of fossils
  4. 5. any trait that helps a species survive
  5. 6. when a population is descended from a small number of colonizing ancestors
  6. 7. the study of early development of different species
  7. 9. when nature chooses the traits
  8. 12. when people choose the traits
  9. 14. the ability to survive and reproduce