Natural Selection

  1. 6. (any disappearance of all members of species.)
  2. 9. Rock (a type of rock that are formed by the deposition.)
  3. 13. (produce more offspring than will survive.)
  4. 15. (the remains of organisms preserved.)
  5. 16. Selection (species that are best suited to their environment.)
  6. 17. (the process of species, family, or larger group becoming extinct.)
  7. 19. Structures (similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor.)
  8. 20. Dating (is the science of determining the relative order of past events.)
  1. 1. (the process when species changes overtime.)
  2. 2. (new species from an existing species.)
  3. 3. (is an interaction between organisms or species in which both the organisms or species are harmed.)
  4. 4. (the variety of organisms that inhabit the earth.)
  5. 5. Islands (Darwin observed finches on this island.)
  6. 7. of Species (is the abbreviated, more commonly-known title for Charles Darwin's classic, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.)
  7. 8. Darwin (English naturalist, geologist, and biologist.)
  8. 10. Dating (the process where scientists look at the half-life of chemicals contained in rocks.)
  9. 11. (any inherited trait that gives an organism an advantage.)
  10. 12. Breeding (Selective breeding involves selecting parents that have characteristics of interest in the hope that their offspring inherit those desirable characteristics.)
  11. 14. (a branching diagram showing the cladistic relationship between a number of species.)
  12. 18. of the Fittest (to be fit you must fit your environment you are well adapted.)