Natural System Modification

  1. 3. Quintessential Australian species
  2. 4. Cutting grass
  3. 6. Mammalian mermaids
  4. 8. Semi-aquatic rodent
  5. 10. Mouse, Rodent with prehensile tail
  6. 12. Suppression, Top threat in this category
  7. 14. Our favourite presenter
  8. 15. Happy dolphin
  1. 1. South American country
  2. 2. Species affected by dams in Brazil
  3. 4. Manipulation
  4. 5. National Park in Macedonia
  5. 7. To remove water
  6. 9. Hydroelectric
  7. 11. Modifier of habitat
  8. 13. Quintessential Chinese species
  9. 16. To stop water flow