Natural Texas and Native People of Texas review

  1. 4. The process of growing plants and raising animals for food
  2. 5. map showing physical features
  3. 8. Someone who moves from place to place with no permanent home
  4. 9. A geographic area that shares similar characteristics
  5. 10. Any characteristic of the Earth’s surface that was created by natural processes
  6. 11. Materials or substances that occur in nature
  7. 12. A period of time with distinct political, economic, social characteristics
  1. 1. living or growing naturally in a particular place
  2. 2. aa pattern of the combination of precipitation and temperature over timent
  3. 3. Sun-dried bricks made from a mixture of mud with a small amount of straw or grass
  4. 6. shows the government borders for countries, states and counties, as well as the location of capitals and major cities
  5. 7. originating in a specific place or region