Natural World 3

  1. 4. n. an animal that does not have a backbone
  2. 5. n. /v. move towards
  3. 6. adj. diverse; different
  4. 9. n. something that is secret and unknown
  5. 10. adj. happening early in the history of humans and the world, or simple and not complicated
  6. 12. adj. poisonous; spiteful, mean
  7. 13. adj.being alone; lacking the company of others
  8. 16. adj. 家养的 brought under human control; tamed or cultivated
  9. 22. n. (豪猪等身上的)硬刺
  10. 23. n. the maintenance of resources in their present condition; conservation
  11. 24. n. (pl)pests
  12. 25. n. a person who is qualified to treat sick or injured animals
  13. 29. v. spend the winter in a dormant or inactive state
  14. 30. n. an animal that has a backbone
  1. 1. n. one who advocates the conservation of natural resources
  2. 2. v. to walk through water
  3. 3. adj. 胎儿的 of or relating to a fetus
  4. 7. v. search for food
  5. 8. v. to change or modify
  6. 11. n. 哺乳动物
  7. 14. n. 一窝幼崽
  8. 15. n. 爬行动物
  9. 17. v. continue to live
  10. 18. adj. having thorns/pricks
  11. 19. adj. not common
  12. 20. n. 血统,世系direct descent from an ancestor; derivation
  13. 21. n. protection from harm
  14. 26. v. 与......作斗争to fight against
  15. 27. n. competitor, opponent
  16. 28. v. 交配