Natural World-4

  1. 1. n. a fine powder produced by flowers
  2. 4. n. 糖水 a sweet liquid made from sugar and water, often used in cans of fruit
  3. 5. n. A number of different kinds; diversity
  4. 8. n. scientist who studies plants
  5. 9. n. a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place
  6. 11. n. 溶液A mixture that forms when one substance dissolves another.
  7. 12. n. the tough material that covers the outside of a tree
  8. 14. n. a chemical substance that kills harmful bacteria or viruses
  9. 17. n. a sweet liquid produced by flowers
  10. 18. n. scientist who studies animals
  11. 19. n. 病菌 a very small organism that causes disease
  12. 20. adj. native
  13. 21. n. 木炭
  14. 24. v. 分泌 Produce and release a substance from a cell or gland of the body for a functional purpose
  15. 25. n. A long period of dry weather
  16. 26. n. the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species living in their natural environment
  1. 2. n. The change of a substance from a liquid to a gas
  2. 3. v. stand up against; resist
  3. 6. adj. absolutely necessary; extremely important; vital; significant; crucial
  4. 7. adj. easily broken or damaged; vulnerable
  5. 10. v. 获得,可接近,可利用
  6. 11. adj. 可持续的
  7. 13. n. act of reviving a person and returning them to consciousness
  8. 15. v. to reproduce, increase, or spread rapidly
  9. 16. v. to thrive, to grow well
  10. 21. v. 抵制, 抵消 to act in opposition to
  11. 22. adj. worrying or disturbing; shocking, upsetting
  12. 23. n. A living thing