Natural World

  1. 1. It lives in the sea. It's big.
  2. 7. Something white or grey in the sky.
  3. 8. A beautiful and colourful part of a plant.
  4. 10. A desert plant.
  5. 11. People play football on this green plant.
  1. 2. It carry people on their backs.
  2. 3. It's a bird. It flies a lot and it hunts.
  3. 4. It can fly. It isn't a bird. It gets its food from flowers.
  4. 5. In the wild, this animal lives in the desert.
  5. 6. It isn't very fast! It can hide its head.
  6. 8. They swim and live in aquariums.
  7. 9. It digs holes to make homes.