  1. 3. to ​change something to ​suit different ​conditions or uses:
  2. 4. ​animal of which the ​female ​feeds her ​young on ​milk from her own ​body. Most mammals give ​birth to ​live ​young, not ​eggs: al
  3. 5. an animal that has died out
  4. 7. unusual or different to the usual
  5. 9. an ​expert who ​studies or ​works in one of the sciences
  6. 14. to ​damage something, esp. in a ​violent way, so that it can no ​longer be used or no ​longer ​exists:
  7. 15. ​admired by many ​people for ​your ​qualities or ​achievements
  8. 17. ​forest in a ​tropical ​area that ​receives a lot of ​rain
  9. 18. to harm or spoil something
  1. 1. used to refer to ​plants and ​animals that ​grow ​naturally in a ​place, and have not been ​brought there from ​somewhere ​else
  2. 2. causing damage or dangerous
  3. 5. relating to the natural world around us
  4. 6. having ​developed through a ​gradual ​process
  5. 8. to be, to be real
  6. 10. to put something into a place for the first time
  7. 11. a set of ​animals or ​plants in which the ​members are ​similar ​ to each other
  8. 12. a species of plant or animal that may soon die out
  9. 13. small creatures like flys, bees or ants
  10. 16. one of the seven ​large ​land ​masses on the earth's ​surface, ​surrounded, or ​mainly ​surrounded, by ​sea