
  1. 4. without light
  2. 6. special science glasses
  3. 9. large scale farm
  4. 10. paper art
  5. 12. a really tall building
  6. 16. used to remove stains
  7. 19. synonym for fight
  8. 20. synonym for secluded
  9. 21. what cars drive on
  10. 22. what older people call younger people
  11. 24. green paper with value
  12. 26. how girls change their appearance
  13. 29. red liquid in a living thing
  14. 31. a shade of blue
  15. 32. an action that only benefits ones self
  16. 33. mythical beast
  17. 35. a winter necessity for the cold
  18. 36. often associated with witches
  19. 37. pinned on telephone poles
  1. 1. multiple pieces of paper with words on it
  2. 2. a cup for coffee
  3. 3. to access an account
  4. 5. being none for something
  5. 7. brother and sister
  6. 8. a famous music festival
  7. 11. snow, rain,storms
  8. 13. a thing to write on
  9. 14. instrument with keys
  10. 15. synonym for explore
  11. 17. a large hole deep in the Earth
  12. 18. not deep
  13. 20. an aircraft
  14. 23. connects the foot to the leg
  15. 25. kitchen item with a animated tv show
  16. 26. a broken machine
  17. 27. a criminal at sea
  18. 28. common European hair color
  19. 29. how a person acts
  20. 30. divides the world
  21. 34. synonym for protect